Walk On Moreland Membership and Campaign Supporters Lists
As a community advocacy group, building a large member/supporter base and keeping in touch via email is critical to our success. This is how we've organised things:
- Members have signed up on our website via the 'Join Us' email box. They receive about five emails a month, mostly containing 'feeds' from Blog posts on our website and campaign planning information.
- Supporters have typically signed up to support a specific campaign using a pen and paper on the street. They receive about two emails a month, with updates on progress and events specific to their nominated campaign.
- Facebook is a great way for us to keep in touch with a wider circle of people. Anyone can 'Like' us on Facebook.
I signed a 'Supporters Sheet' - What Did I Sign?
If you signed up to support a campaign on the street, you would have signed a campaign-specific statement, such as:
"I support urgent improvement at the above location [stated] to protect the safety of pedestrians and cyclists crossing Munro Street. Signing this form gives your consent for Walk On Moreland to use your details in campaign materials in support of the above project, for example in letter writing. Your details will be used solely for this purpose and will not be used in any other way."
What information do we hold?
We hold as little as possible:
- For Members, the minimum we request is an email address.
- For Supporters, we request a full name, address, and signature, with email address as optional. We need these details to give our advocacy campaigns credibility with government decision makers. For on-street signups we also ask people whether they walked or cycled, to understand the breadth of our supporter base.
How do we handle your details?
- Our mailing lists are handled by 'MailChimp' mailing list software, which ensures that you are in control of your details, you can unsubscribe at any time, and that your details are secure and won't inadvertently be released.
- Paper copies of details and signatures are kept on file for future reference.
What do we do with your information?
We use your details to keep in contact with you, and to lend credibility to our campaigns. As a campaign strategy, we may:
- Use your details in correspondence with government or Council, as an attachment in support of a letter.
- Create maps available to the public showing the geographic spread of our supporters, which may identify your street (but not your actual house number).
How can I change my details or unsubscribe?
Every time we send you an email, it will contain a 'Change My Details' and an 'Unsubscribe' link. To change your details right away, trigger an email to be sent to you from our Support a Campaign page.
Anything else?
If you have any questions please contact Nataniel Wolfson, Coordinator, via walkonmoreland@gmail.com. Thanks!
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Walk On Moreland is strengthened by your input. Thanks!!