We encourage you to write your own letters to Councillors and the State MPs requesting support for urgent improvement at this location. You are welcome to use material from across this website to help draft your letter, however please ensure you have checked the accuracy of any statements.
Correspondence Leaderboard
Got a letter you want to add to the leaderboard? Post a comment on this page.
Our campaign correspondence 'Leaderboard' stands as follows:
To: | Sent By | Sent Date | Received Date |
Kelvin Thomson MP, Member for Wills | WoM | - | 18/4/12 |
Terry Mulder MP, Minister for Roads | KT WoM | 27/3/12 19/3/12 | 28/5/12 23/5/12 |
Christine Campbell MP, Member for Pascoe Vale | WoM | 19/3/12 | - |
Moreland Mayor and Councillors | WoM KT | 4/6/12 27/3/12 | - 12/4/12 |
Cr Matthews-Ward, Moreland | WoM WoM | 27/4/12 29/2/12 | - 20/4/12 |
Moreland Council (general) | VS | 1/3/12 | 10/3/12 |
Gary Liddle, CEO VicRoads | WoM | 19/3/12 | 23/5/12 |
Peter Brown, CEO Moreland | WoM | 28/3/12 | 20/4/12 |
Letters we have written to key decision-makers are copied below:
Letter to Moreland Mayor and Councillors, 4 June 2012
Correspondence with Cr Kathleen Matthews-Ward, City Infrastructure, Moreland City Council
Reply to letter of 29/3/12, received 20/4/12
Letter to Cr Matthews-Ward, 29 February 2012
Cr Kathleen Matthews-Ward
Cc: North-East Ward Councillors Cr Thompson, Cr Helou, Cr Kariofyllidis, Cr Teti
Moreland City Council
29 February 2011
Dear Councillor Matthews-Ward,
Re: Dangerous Intersection at Munro Street and Railway Place, Coburg
I write on behalf of local residents frustrated with the dangerous pedestrian crossing point at the intersection of Munro Street and Railway Place, Coburg (see attached photos).
This crossing requires urgent attention to protect the safety of pedestrians and cyclists. Could you please advise on the status and expected completion date of safety upgrade works at this intersection.
The installation of a safe north-south pedestrian crossing of Munro Street at the intersection of Railway Place/ Upfield rail line requires urgent attention because:
- Munro Street carries high traffic volumes, at dangerously high speeds,
- The crossing is a major pedestrian gateway link to Coburg shopping precinct and Coburg Station,
- The crossing is a link in the Upfield Bike Path,
- New residential and commercial development in the area has increased pedestrian and traffic volumes,
- The area has a high proportion of elderly residents and young families, who find this crossing especially difficult,
- Improved sustainable transport is a clearly stated objective of Council.
- What is Council's position on the need for improvements to this crossing,
- What is Council's preferred treatment option,
- Where is this crossing placed on Council's safety improvements priorities, and when does Council expect safety improvements to be completed,
- What is Council doing to engage with VicRoads and other agencies in support of this project.
Walk On Moreland
Correspondence between Kelvin Thomson MP and Terry Mulder MP, Minister for Roads (1 June 2012)
Correspondence between Kelvin Thomson MP and Cr John Kavanagh, Moreland Mayor (18 April 2012)
Correspondence with Mr Peter Brown, CEO Moreland Council
Reply to letter of 29/3/12, received 20/4/12
See correspondence with Cr Kathleen Matthews-Ward for reply
Letter to Mr Peter Peter Brown, 29 March 2012
Mr Peter Brown
Chief Executive Officer
Moreland City Council
Locked Bag 10
Moreland VIC 3058
29 March 2011
Dear Mr Peter Brown,
Re: Dangerous Intersection at Munro Street and Railway Place, Coburg
I write to introduce the community group ‘Walk On Moreland’ which is advocating for a culture of walking in Moreland, through pedestrian-oriented planning and infrastructure decisions. Walk On Moreland is seeking to support decision makers to improve pedestrian and walking outcomes across Moreland.
The current focus of Walk On Moreland is to support residents, pedestrians and cyclists frustrated with the dangerous pedestrian crossing point at the intersection of Munro Street and Railway Place/ Upfield rail line, Coburg (see Attachments A & B).
I am seeking to understand the status of any Council activity in relation to improvements at this crossing.
This crossing requires urgent improvement to protect the safety of pedestrians and cyclists because:
Munro Street carries high traffic volumes, often at dangerously high speeds,
- The crossing is a major pedestrian gateway link to Coburg shopping precinct and Coburg Station, and carries high pedestrian volumes,
- The crossing is a key link in the Upfield Bike Path, and carries high bicycle volumes,
- New residential and commercial development in the area has increased pedestrian activity and traffic volumes,
- The area has a high proportion of elderly residents and young families, who find this crossing especially difficult,
- Sustainable and active transport is a better way for all of us to get around.
I recognise that due to site constraints, establishing a safe crossing at this intersection presents technical challenges and is likely to have a significant cost.
To assist the community to understand Council’s work in relation to this intersection, could you please advise the following:
- What is Council’s position on the need for improvements to this crossing?
- Has any recent safety audit or pedestrian count for this location been conducted, and are you able to provide me with this audit?
- Is Council engaged in any planning activity in relation to this intersection, and has any Council funding been allocated for improvements here?
- If so, when would any improvements be expected to be completed?
- What is Council’s preferred traffic treatment, including potential interim treatments to make the crossing safe in the short term,
- What is Council’s views on a reduced speed limit as a means to improving pedestrian safety this location (Munro St is a 50km zone)?
- What will your approach be to consultation with the community to ensure that any improvements here meet community expectations?
- Is Council currently in discussion with VicRoads or other key stakeholders in relation to this matter?
Please note that I have also written to Councillor Matthews-Ward (29/2/2012), the Minister for Roads, and the Member for Pascoe Vale on this matter, and that this letter will be published on our website walkonmoreland.blogspot.com.au one week after it is sent to you.
Walk On Moreland
Letter to Hon. Christine Campbell, Member for Pascoe Vale (19 March 2012)
Hon. Christine Campbell
Member for Pascoe Vale
416A Bell StreetPascoe Vale VIC 3044
19 March 2011
Dear Hon. Christine Campbell,
Re: Dangerous Intersection at Munro Street and Railway Place, Coburg
I write on behalf of local residents, pedestrians and cyclists frustrated with the dangerous pedestrian crossing point at the intersection of Munro Street and Railway Place/ Upfield rail line, Coburg (see Attachements A & B).
I am seeking your support for safety improvements at this crossing. Could you please advise on your views on the need for safety improvements at this crossing, and on your dealings with the Government, Moreland City Council and other agencies to progress this.
This crossing requires urgent attention to protect the safety of pedestrians and cyclists because:
- Munro Street carries high traffic volumes, often at dangerously high speeds,
- The crossing is a major pedestrian gateway link to Coburg shopping precinct and Coburg Station,
- The crossing is a key link in the Upfield Bike Path,
- New residential and commercial development in the area has increased pedestrian and traffic volumes,
- The area has a high proportion of elderly residents and young families, who find this crossing especially difficult,
- Sustainable and active transport is a better way for all of us to get around.
Although this crossing is not a VicRoads road, the Government’s support for this project warrants consideration because:
- The road functions as a bypass around the Coburg shopping centre for traffic travelling between the Sydney Road and Bell Street VicRoads arterials,
- The Upfield bicycle path is a ‘PBN-style’ commuter route (see Attachment D),
- The nearby rail crossing is likely to add cost and technical complications,
- Vehicle access to Munro Street from the VicTrack carpark at Coburg Station contributes to the crossing hazard,
- The crossing presents an urgent safety issue as outlined above.
- What is your position on the need for improvements to this crossing,
- Where is this crossing placed on your transport improvements priorities,
- What is your preferred traffic treatment,
- What is your approach to engagement with Government, Council, key agencies and the community in support of this project.
Please note that I have also written to Moreland City Council, the Minister for Roads, and VicRoads on this matter, and that this letter will be published on our website walkonmoreland.blogspot.com.au one week after it is sent to you.
Walk On Moreland
Correspondence with Hon. Terry Mulder MP, Minister for Roads
Reply to letter of 19 March 2012, received 23 May 2012
Letter to Hon. Terry Mulder, Minister for Roads (19 March 2012)
Hon. Terry Mulder
Minister for Roads
Level 16
121 Exhibition Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000
19 March 2011
Dear Hon. Terry Mulder,
Re: Dangerous Intersection at Munro Street and Railway Place, Coburg
I write on behalf of residents, pedestrians and cyclists frustrated with the dangerous pedestrian crossing point at the intersection of Munro Street and Railway Place/ Upfield rail line, Coburg (see Attachments A & B).
I am seeking your support for safety improvements at this busy crossing. This crossing requires urgent improvement to protect the safety of pedestrians and cyclists because:
- Munro Street carries high traffic volumes, often at dangerously high speeds,
- The crossing is a major pedestrian gateway link to Coburg shopping precinct and Coburg Station, and carries high pedestrian volumes,
- The crossing is a key link in the Upfield Bike Path, and carries high bicycle volumes,
- New residential and commercial development in the area has increased pedestrian activity and worsened traffic volumes,
- The area has a high proportion of elderly residents and young families, who find this crossing especially difficult,
- Sustainable and active transport is a better way for all of us to get around.
Although this crossing is not a VicRoads road, the Government’s support for this project warrants consideration because:
- The road functions as a bypass around the Coburg shopping centre for traffic travelling between the Sydney Road and Bell Street VicRoads arterials,
- The Upfield bicycle path is a ‘PBN-style’ commuter route (see Attachment D),
- The nearby rail crossing is likely to add cost and technical complications,
- Vehicle access to Munro Street from the VicTrack carpark at Coburg Station contributes to the crossing hazard,
- The crossing presents an urgent safety issue as outlined above.
To assist the community with understanding your views and with organising support for the soonest delivery of this project, could you please advise the following:
- What is your position on the need for improvements to this crossing?
- Are any improvement works at this crossing budgeted for or planned by the Government?
- What is your preferred traffic treatment (if any), including potential interim treatments to make the crossing safe in the short term?
- What are your views on reduced speed limits as a means to improving pedestrian safety in this location (Munro Street in this location is a 50km zone)?
Please note that I have also written to Moreland City Council, the Member for Pascoe Vale, and VicRoads on this matter, and that this letter will be published on our website walkonmoreland.blogspot.com.au one week after it is sent to you.
Maureen Kiernan
Walk On Moreland
Correspondence with Mr Gary Liddle, CEO VicRoads
Reply to Letter of 19 March 2012, received 23 May 2012
See Correspondence with Hon. Terry Mulder MP
Letter to Mr Gary Liddle, CEO VicRoads (19 March 2012)
Mr Gary Liddle
Chief Executive
60 Denmark Street
Kew Vic 3101
19 March 2011
Dear Mr Gary Liddle,
Re: Dangerous Intersection at Munro Street and Railway Place, Coburg
I write on behalf of residents, pedestrians and cyclists frustrated with the dangerous pedestrian crossing point at the intersection of Munro Street and Railway Place/ Upfield rail line, Coburg (see Attachments A & B).
I am seeking to understand the status of any VicRoads activity in relation to improvements at this crossing.
This crossing requires urgent improvement to protect the safety of pedestrians and cyclists because:
- Munro Street carries high traffic volumes, often at dangerously high speeds,
- The crossing is a major pedestrian gateway link to Coburg shopping precinct and Coburg Station, and carries high pedestrian volumes,
- The crossing is a key link in the Upfield Bike Path, and carries high bicycle volumes,
- New residential and commercial development in the area has increased pedestrian activity and worsened traffic volumes,
- The area has a high proportion of elderly residents and young families, who find this crossing especially difficult,
- Sustainable and active transport is a better way for all of us to get around.
Although this crossing is not a VicRoads road, the Government’s support for this project warrants consideration because:
- The road functions as a bypass around the Coburg shopping centre for traffic travelling between the Sydney Road and Bell Street VicRoads arterials,
- The Upfield bicycle path is a ‘PBN-style’ commuter route (see Attachment C),
- The nearby rail crossing is likely to add cost and technical complications,
- Vehicle access to Munro Street from the VicTrack carpark at Coburg Station contributes to the crossing hazard,
- The crossing presents an urgent safety issue as outlined above.
- What is VicRoads’ position on the need for improvements to the crossing?
- Has a recent safety audit for this location been conducted, and are you able to provide me with this audit?
- Is VicRoads engaged in any planning activity in relation to this location, and has any VicRoads funding been allocated for improvements at this location?
- If so, when would any improvements be expected to be completed?
- What is the preferred traffic treatment (if applicable), including potential interim treatments to make the crossing safe in the short term,
- What are your views on reduced speed limits as a means to improving pedestrian safety at this location (Munro St is a 50km zone)?
- Is VicRoads engaging with Council or other key stakeholders in relation to this matter?
Please note that I have also written to the Minister for Roads, Moreland City Council, and the Member for Pascoe Vale, on this matter, and that this letter will be published on our website walkonmoreland.blogspot.com.au one week after it is sent to you.
Maureen Kiernan
Walk On Moreland
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